
I had the opportunity to create a captivating story ad for Blush, a company known for its unique message and value. With the goal of grabbing viewers’ attention, the ad incorporated an eye-catching image that resonated with the brand’s down-to-earth and natural design approach.


To align with Blush’s brand identity, I incorporated their signature colours of mustard yellow and green, infusing the ad with warmth and vibrancy. These colours not only enhanced the visual appeal but also conveyed the brand’s essence and values. Through the power of storytelling, the ad conveyed Blush’s message and value in a compelling manner.
This project showcases my ability to create visually captivating ads that effectively convey a brand’s message and values. It demonstrates my proficiency in utilising colour schemes to evoke specific emotions and align with a brand’s identity. By crafting a compelling story, I successfully engaged viewers and encouraged them to connect with the brand on a deeper level.